Responsible for the measuring reliability and validation of
1. 43 FS 5600 Eci Blood Analyzer
2. Turbo Eci 3600 Blood Analyzer
Role and Responsibility
1. Participation in the development of new clinical chemistry, immunochemistry and blood donor instrumentation.
2. Generation, review and approval of software verification and validation test plans and procedures.
3. Software test execution.
4. Defect report generation and test result summarization.
5. Participate in software development lifecycle including development of software requirements, design, and configuration management
6. Reliability growth test on two new systems: 43 FS Turbo ECi and Turbo ECi (3 machines of each system).
7. Test effectiveness of design improvements.
8. Data analysis.
9. Perform life testing of the machine subsystems: write test plans, design and manufacture test rigs. Perform test and analyze data.
10. Design test rigs and performs tests for two future products like one for running immunodiagnostic chemistry on dry slide.
1. Microsoft Excel2. Microsoft Access
3. OARS (In-company data management tool)
4. Team Track (In-company data management tool)
5. OTIS (In-company data management tool)
6. Labview